Where Do Gorillas Get Their Protein?

A Famous Vegan: Sports Illustrated’s 1973 Athlete of the Year

Veg­ans aren’t crea­tures from the plan­et Vegas. They’re indi­vid­u­als who won’t eat any ani­mal prod­ucts at all. Here’s a famous veg­an ath­lete, who was named Sports Illus­trat­ed Male Ath­lete of the Year in 1973. I vivid­ly remem­ber watch­ing this race.

Now, there are some naysay­ers who will quib­ble that he was wear­ing leather, which a true veg­an would refuse to do. I would argue that he prob­a­bly would have pre­ferred to run around naked.

Pho­to by san­ta­nartist