Where Do Gorillas Get Their Protein?

Where Do Elephants Get Their Protein?

I chose the goril­la motif for this blog because goril­las are the biggest and most pow­er­ful pri­mates, along with being about as close as pos­si­ble to veg­an as you can get while eat­ing many pounds per day of veg­e­ta­tion in a rain for­est. I want­ed to point out that peo­ple sim­ply don’t have to wor­ry about get­ting enough pro­tein or cal­ci­um from a plant-based diet. In real­i­ty, the ani­mal-based foods that we have been urged to eat don’t pro­vide any nutri­ents that we can’t eas­i­ly get from plants or bac­te­ria. If you are still wor­ried about pro­tein, think about where ele­phants get their pro­tein. Ele­phants are even big­ger and even stronger than goril­las. A big ele­phant can eat up to 600 pounds of food a day.

Pho­to by mcough­lin