Not Trivial: How Studying the Traditional Liberal Arts Can Set You Free

Not Trivial: How Studying the Traditional Liberal Arts Can Set You Free

Education for freedom, not for slavery

Back in colo­nial days, young women with lit­tle more than a pri­ma­ry school edu­ca­tion had great suc­cess in teach­ing read­ing, while using noth­ing but the New Eng­land Primer and the Holy Bible. Mean­while, in the South it became ille­gal to teach any black peo­ple to read and write. Today, despite hav­ing col­lege-edu­cat­ed teach­ers in well-equipped schools, mil­lions of chil­dren are still fail­ing to learn to read. What went wrong? This book explains how some wealthy phil­an­thropists worked to dumb down the schools. This attack on the schools is noth­ing less than attack on democ­ra­cy. In this book, Lau­rie Endi­cott Thomas explains how to get a good edu­ca­tion for your self and your chil­dren, even if your local pub­lic school is not good.

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ISBN: 1938634993
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