Do I Need Blood Pressure Medication?

If your blood pres­sure is high, it is usu­al­ly a sign that your arter­ies are tight or clogged. The solu­tion to that prob­lem is to eat a diet of low-fat, plant-based foods. This can bring a big drop in pres­sure with­in a few days, as tight arter­ies relax. In the long run, it can help to unclog clogged arter­ies. Preg­nant women are prone to a dan­ger­ous form of high blood pres­sure called pre-eclamp­sia. Pre-eclamp­sia results when the woman’s blood vol­ume does not expand enough to sup­port the preg­nan­cy. Her blood ves­sels then tight­en down, to main­tain cir­cu­la­tion to her brain. But this means less cir­cu­la­tion to the pla­cen­ta and to oth­er tis­sue, such as the liv­er.  To pre­vent pre-eclamp­sia, women need to eat enough calo­ries, and the calo­ries should come from starch, not fat.  

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