If you put oil in your dog’s food, it supposedly makes his coat glossy. If we eat too much fat, we can end up with a coat that is too glossy, with too much oil on our skin and hair. But what if your hair is dry? Does that mean that you should eat more fat? Definitely not. To find cases of people with a genuine dietary deficiency of fat, you have to look at people who were being fed nothing but sugar intravenously. If your hair is dry, add oil directly to the hair, not to your food!
One effective way to add oil to your hair is with a hot oil treatment. I tried this yesterday and am thrilled with the results. My hair is curly and very thick, and it tends to misbehave, especially in the summer. So I heated up a few tablespoons of olive oil in the microwave for a few seconds (not too hot!) and applied it directly to my hair. I couldn’t believe how much oil my hair absorbed! So I heated up more oil and added that. I let the oil soak in for about 15 minutes, then I shampooed my hair: lather and rinse, no repeat.
My hair turned out soft and manageable. I think that next time I’ll try a mixture of olive and coconut oil, to see how that works!
Photo by Internet Archive Book Images