Gorillas are leaf-eaters (folivores). Eating any other kind of diet makes them sick.
Photo by skuds
Gorillas are leaf-eaters (folivores). Eating any other kind of diet makes them sick.
Photo by skuds
The Upside and Downside of Living on Leaves
The fact that gorillas mainly eat leaves explains a lot about their behavior and social structure. Leaves don’t run away, so there’s no need to chase them. Leaves are so abundant in the gorilla’s habitat, and so low in calories, that it’s pointless to fight over them. A tree full of ripe fruit or nuts is another matter, entirely. In general, I’d expect animals that mainly eat leaves to be nicer than animals that mainly eat fruit, because they have less to fight over.
More Than Enough for a Human Being, and Even More Than Enough for a Pig!
Here’s a rather dry and technical article that describes the amount of “available protein,” as opposed to “crude protein,” in the foods that wild mountain gorillas eat.
The mountain gorillas in this study were getting more than enough protein, mainly because they were eating so many leaves. Although leaves are low in calories, a substantial proportion of those calories comes from protein. If gorillas eat enough leaves to get enough calories, the protein takes care of itself. A leafy diet is so rich in protein that the gorillas can afford to snack on some low-protein fruit.
Lots of Salad!
Gorillas eat plants, mainly leaves. “There is a virtual absence of foods of animal origin.”