One thought on “What Do Gorillas Eat?”

  1. I chose goril­las because goril­la imagery is com­mon­ly used as a metaphor for strength. I want­ed to help peo­ple grasp the idea that they can meet their pro­tein needs by eat­ing plants. If a goril­la can, they can. In oth­er words, I’m using a rhetor­i­cal tech­nique called an a for­tiori argu­ment.

    I chose not to use chim­panzees because many peo­ple are now aware that chim­panzees some­times hunt and eat their kill. How­ev­er, it would be ridicu­lous to refer to chim­panzees as omni­vores. Rather, they are her­bi­vores, pri­mar­i­ly fru­gi­vores, that are also oppor­tunis­tic feed­ers. Sim­i­lar­ly, dogs are not true omni­vores. They are car­ni­vores that are also oppor­tunis­tic feed­ers. Nor would you refer to a white­tail deer as an omni­vore sim­ply because they occa­sion­al­ly eat fledg­ling birds or dead fish. True omni­vores, such as a griz­zly bear, have struc­tur­al adap­ta­tions for a mixed diet.

    One study found that only 1.7% of chim­panzee fecal spec­i­mens showed evi­dence of a meal that includ­ed meat: Tutin C.E.G., Fer­nan­dez M. (1993) Com­po­si­tion of the diet of chim­panzees and com­par­isons with that of sym­patric low­land goril­las in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. Am. J. Pri­ma­tol. 30:195–211. Oth­er stud­ies have shown that the amount of meat con­sumed by chim­panzees varies sea­son­al­ly, which is what you’d expect for an oppor­tunis­tic feed­er.

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