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Thin Diabetes, Fat Diabetes: Prevent Type 1, Cure Type 2

Thin Diabetes, Fat Diabetes: Prevent Type 1, Cure Type 2

In France, peo­ple have no trou­ble remem­ber­ing which type of dia­betes is which. They use the term dia­bète mai­gre (thin dia­betes) to refer to type 1 dia­betes, the severe, incur­able dis­ease that results from dam­age to the pan­creas. They use the term dia­bète gras (fat dia­betes) to refer to the milder form of dia­betes that goes away if you lose weight. If you have fat dia­betes (type 2 dia­betes), it means that you are nat­u­ral­ly thin. Your body is resist­ing the effects of insulin to keep you from stor­ing any more of the fat that you are eat­ing. The sur­pris­ing solu­tion to this prob­lem is to eat carbs and a lot more fiber! The low-fat, pure­ly plant-based diet that revers­es type 2 dia­betes also helps to pre­vent type 2 dia­betes. It is also use­ful in man­ag­ing the rare, tru­ly genet­ic forms of dia­betes.

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Don’t Feed the Narcissists! The Mythology and Science of Mental Health

Don’t Feed the Narcissists! The Mythology and Science of Mental Health

Nar­cis­sists are ambi­tious peo­ple. They think that they deserve the pow­er, prop­er­ty, and pres­tige that go along with high social rank. How­ev­er, their intel­lec­tu­al and social skills are not good enough for them to earn those things. As a result, nar­cis­sists may throw tantrums when they do not get what they think they deserve. This book explains how to learn the skills that nar­cis­sists lack, so that you can become the sort of per­son they only imag­ine them­selves to be.

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Where Do Gorillas Get Their Protein?

Where Do Gorillas Get Their Protein?

The Inter­net is buzzing with dietary advice. Much of it is non­sense that is com­ing from the food indus­try. In Where Do Goril­las Get Their Pro­tein? Lau­rie Endi­cott Thomas explains that the truth about nutri­tion is sim­ple. Human beings are built to run on starch­es. A low-fat, high-fiber, high-car­bo­hy­drate diet is the sim­ple solu­tion to many seri­ous chron­ic health prob­lems. It helps you lose weight. It pre­vents heart attacks. It revers­es type 2 dia­betes. It reduces the risk of many can­cers. It can even help to pre­vent or reverse autoim­mune dis­eases, such as arthri­tis and mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis.

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No More Measles! The Truth About Vaccines and Your Health

No More Measles! The Truth About Vaccines and Your Health

When it comes to vac­ci­na­tion, whom should you trust? Your fam­i­ly doc­tor or that guy who sells over­priced vit­a­mins over the Inter­net? Thanks to vac­ci­na­tion, small­pox is extinct. For this rea­son, we no longer vac­ci­nate chil­dren against small­pox. Polio is almost extinct. Soon, there will be no more need for the polio vac­cine. Measles, mumps, and rubel­la can also be wiped out through vac­ci­na­tion. At that point, there will be no more need for the MMR vac­cine. This book explains why med­ical sci­ence has tri­umphed over infec­tious dis­ease, while alter­na­tive med­i­cine has not.

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Not Trivial: How Studying the Traditional Liberal Arts Can Set You Free

Not Trivial: How Studying the Traditional Liberal Arts Can Set You Free

Back in colo­nial days, young women with lit­tle more than a pri­ma­ry school edu­ca­tion had great suc­cess in teach­ing read­ing, while using noth­ing but the New Eng­land Primer and the Holy Bible. Mean­while, in the South it became ille­gal to teach any black peo­ple to read and write. Today, despite hav­ing col­lege-edu­cat­ed teach­ers in well-equipped schools, mil­lions of chil­dren are still fail­ing to learn to read. What went wrong? This book explains how some wealthy phil­an­thropists worked to dumb down the schools. This attack on the schools is noth­ing less than attack on democ­ra­cy. In this book, Lau­rie Endi­cott Thomas explains how to get a good edu­ca­tion for your self and your chil­dren, even if your local pub­lic school is not good.

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