If the Guest Is Too Tall for the Guest Bed, Cut Off His Feet!

Accord­ing to ancient Greek mythol­o­gy, there was once a man named Pro­crustes who was the world’s worst host. He had an inn by the side of a road, and he offered hos­pi­tal­i­ty to pass­ing strangers. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, if you were too short to fit his iron guest bed, he would stretch you to make you fit. If you were too tall, he’d chop your feet off. Obvi­ous­ly, a bet­ter solu­tion would be to find a bed that fits the guest.

When­ev­er I hear about some­one get­ting their stom­ach sta­pled, I think of Pro­crustes. Are peo­ple obese because their stom­ach is too large? I doubt it. Maybe the solu­tion to obe­si­ty isn’t to sur­gi­cal­ly reduce the size of the stom­ach, but to reduce the calo­rie den­si­ty of the food. If peo­ple ate as much as they want of low-fat, high-fiber, plant-based foods, they can con­trol their weight nat­u­ral­ly with­out count­ing calo­ries or feel­ing hun­gry. In oth­er words, they could go ape, go wild, and eat plants instead of sub­mit­ting to expen­sive and dan­ger­ous surgery. Here are a bunch of peo­ple who have done just that!

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